The world needs dreamers and the world needs doers, but above all, the world needs dreamers that do... Sarah Ban Breathnach

Thursday, 1 March 2012

One Girl...Changing the world one girl at a time

We focus on empowering women and girls so that they can create and lead change in their communities. We believe that education and economic empowerment are vital when it comes to tackling the issues that women and girls face in Sierra Leone. We currently have two projects that we’re working on, Back to School Scholarships and LaunchPad. You can find out more about these projects below.

When a girl is educated, she’ll get married later and have fewer, healthier children. For every year she stays in school she’ll increase her income by at least 10%. 
With the money she earns, she’ll invest 90% of it back into her family.
An educated girl becomes an educated woman. 
A woman who ensures her children go to school, just like she did.
Educating a girl improves the local economy more than any other type of investment. Check out the girl effect video to your right to see it all in action.