The world needs dreamers and the world needs doers, but above all, the world needs dreamers that do... Sarah Ban Breathnach

Wednesday, 12 December 2012

Wall of Freedom

This is my loungeroom wall :-)

I decided I needed a wall space. 
So this 2 and n half by 2 metre wall in my lounge room was perfect.

A space to wander and roam,
 through my abstract feelings and expression.
My freedom wall, my place to play.

Play with colour, play with scope.
A creative space to find freedom from self.
Turn off my brain, tune into my spirit.

I love colour, love the feelings it evokes.
I especially love the freedom of abstract painting.
It has more a life it's own than any other, particulaly a wall work of art.

My whole body is involved, bend and stretch, reach for the stars'
This is a work in process, a process that involves play and more play.

Play is such an important part of component of creativity...
and so I give myself to the wall.