The world needs dreamers and the world needs doers, but above all, the world needs dreamers that do... Sarah Ban Breathnach

Tuesday, 4 October 2011

Hug It Forward Bottle School

Hug It Forward is a non-profit that blends intangible change with tangible change globally with one goal, uniting people as one.
The intangible change is provided by raising awareness of global issues and by demonstrating that we are all one people. Everybody has the power to be the change, by living their passion and giving back to society. We exist to help people along that journey.

The tangible change is provided by empowering communities to unite and work together towards a common goal: building schools built out of wasted trash bottles called "bottle schools". Bottle schools have many many benefits. You can see a video of how bottle schools are made on the home page.
100% of your donation is spent on the ground in the communities where bottle schools are built. A separate group of private donors fund the operating costs so you don’t have to.
This way, we can build a school for $10-15,000, co-creating educational opportunity for future generations. From Day 1 we have been creating systems to enable bottle schools to spread around the world.

How can you help the movement?

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