The world needs dreamers and the world needs doers, but above all, the world needs dreamers that do... Sarah Ban Breathnach

Tuesday, 25 September 2012

It is vital that we educate and empower our children if we are to protect them, to enable them to protect themselves when adults around them fail to do so. To give them a voice, to speak up and speak out about childhood sexual abuse...

To understand that they are not at fault and that its ok to tell someone, to be protected.

Erin's activism is an inspiration, energy, passion an honesty I admire. In her own words...

"Growing up in Illinois public schools every year I was educated with my classmates on tornado drills, fire drills, bus drills, stranger danger, and learned the 8 ways to say "NO" to drugs through D.A.R.E.

As a child I never had to take cover because of a real tornado. I never had to stop, drop, and roll or run out of a burning building. I never had to evacuate a school bus due to an emergency, but I had the knowledge to know what to do if any of those situations happened.

Where was the drill on how to escape a child molester? Where was the lesson plan on sexual abuse, safe touches, and safe secrets? It never came. I was not educated on “How to Tell Today or How to Get Away.”

I was never educated on “My Body Belongs to Me.”

Empowering our children is the key to protecting them and helping them to protect themselves.

1 comment:

  1. yes! watched it true so true, the school, curriculum is seriously flawed! here is an example. Parents put too much trust in the school to do it all however. But in this case, it often needs to NOT be the parent giving the education, as they can be the perpetrator!


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